Explore the small unchanged Victorian Port City of Manistee...the village town not yet on any beaten path. Dig your toes into clean sugar-fine sand and the warm summer waters of Lake Michigan. Or take an aerial tour of the town and the coastline from Manistee's Blacker Airport (with service to Chicago).
Four historic walking tours, a floating museum (The SS City of Milwaukee), the famous Ramsdell Opera House (now the Manistee Regional Center for the Arts), the unique grove of California giant sequoias and redwoods at Lake Bluff Center, and of course, the incomparable James Dempsey living Victorian House Museum, where you can spend a night in unequalled comfort -- these historic treasures coupled with every water & outdoor sport and leisure activity under the sun make Manistee YOUR undiscovered country.

Looking upward from the western section of the Foyer, into the forty-foot tall staircase- enclosed Atrium.