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A Landmark Destination in Manistee
The Angel Suite
The Dempsey Suite
East Wall of the Grand Foyer
Gentlemen's Parlor under North Tower
A House Specialty - Starfruit Topped Home-Made Yogurt and Fruit Parfait.
Atrium Uplook
Kelly H of Wichita,an original guest
Lush Gardens
Honeymoon Couple
Sunshine Muffins
Josefina, the 33 year old resident.
From Michigan Press Assoc., 1893
A Mansion perfect for Tours & Teas!
Leaded and Lovely
Collage of Selected Art at the Manor
Abigail, Christmas' biggest fan!
Antique Victorian Four Poster
Cook Jan Peterson and Creations
Topping Off the Strata
Porcelain Collection on 2nd Floor
Sitting Room under North Tower
Dempsey Suite Door with Tapestry
"Victorian Couple"on Stair Landing!
Colorful Spread for High Tea!
Rhododendrons in Bloom
A View Through the Dining Room
Collage of Period Furniture & Objets
There is always something particularly special at breakfast each morning.
Kristmas is for Kitties, Too!
Jan & Jim at Table
1860s Walnut Bed in The Teal Room
Plum Room Corner in Christmas Decor
Handpainted Victorian Bed, Sage Room
Has it Risen High Enough to Serve?
High Tea at the Manor
Atrium Upview from the Grand Foyer
View Down into the Grand Foyer
A Portrait Stairwell and Landing.
A View of the Sage Room
Fountain Panorama
Conservatory at 5th Street Entrance
The Mansion in Winter
Cozy and Quiet Library
Gentlemen's Parlor under North Tower
The James Dempsey Grand Suite
Plaque- The Dempsey Grand Suite
Belgian & American chocolate and truffles . . .
The Elegant Plum Room
A Suite of Austrian Furniture for The Plum Room
The Plum Room Faberge Eggs
The mantel-piece in The Plum Room
Jan Peterson and James Colburn
The Teal Room's treasures
The First Floor landing
The Dining Room
Breakfast never fails to please
The spacious Third Floor landing
The James Dempsey Grand Suite
The Gentlemen's Parlor
The elegant Plum Room
The Sage Room
The Second Floor Stairwell
The Ladies' Parlor and Music Room
The  large and colorful Teal Room
The resplendent Dining Room
The Conservatory
The Butler's Silver Pantry
The Penthouse Angel Suite
Breakfast . . . with Victorian Serviceware
Three floors of Oak Stairwell
The Music Room / Ladies' Parlor
There's a lake on the horizon!
Enjoy the Conservatory - and a glass of wine!
Local Michigan cherries make yummy scones!
Our House-Blend is the best coffee in town.
Baked Fruit and Avocado
Crepes galore . . .
Pretty-as-a-Picture Place Setting

The Discriminating Traveler's

Premiere Destination in Northwest Michigan

The Dempsey Manor Inn & House Museum

  Click on any photo to view slideshow images in full -- and enlarged!  



Come visit us and check out our lovely and quaint comfy Guest Rooms. Each is uniquely decorated with one-of-kind Victorian furnishings and all of the creature comforts demanded by wealth and privilege.



Nestled in the center of the Northwestern Michigan coastline, The Dempsey Museum is perfectly located for celebrating the Major Holidays, a romantic getaway, the weekend break, a leisurely mid-week escape, and all outdoor recreational activities.

The Mansion & Setting


Victorian elegance from a lost age!

Gardens to wander and discover. Authentic antique furnishings to complement the Museum's historic heritage...for romance or relaxation. Come visit us soon!


     Explore the small unchanged Victorian Port City of Manistee...the village town not yet on any beaten path. Dig your toes into clean sugar-fine sand and the warm summer waters of Lake Michigan. Or take an aerial tour of the town and the coastline from Manistee's Blacker Airport (with service to Chicago).


     Four historic walking tours, a floating museum (The SS City of Milwaukee), the famous Ramsdell Opera House (now the Manistee Regional Center for the Arts), the unique grove of California giant sequoias and redwoods at Lake Bluff Center, and of course, the incomparable James Dempsey living Victorian House Museum, where you can spend a night in unequalled comfort -- these historic treasures coupled with every water & outdoor sport and leisure activity under the sun make Manistee YOUR undiscovered country.

Manistee Lighthouse
ATRIUM Uplook at Dempsey Manor 2013.jpg

Looking upward from the western section of the Foyer, into the forty-foot tall staircase- enclosed Atrium.

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