Give to The Dempsey Manor
The James Dempsey Mansion Victorian House Museum, the largest Victorian home in Manistee MI with 8300 square feet and three stories, is a marvelous state landmark. It is worth saving.
The restoration and preservation of this historic Lumber Baron home is overseen by The Dempsey Manor Historical Preservation Society, a Michigan Non-Profit Organization #70740k.
Currently, an extensive multi-year restoration project is in progress to repair and reinstall brick-work; to repair, restore and re-paint the 61 original double-hung windows; to restore and replace degraded portions of the porches at the formal entries; to replace roofing; to repair, restore and repaint other exterior decorative architectural wood, stone, and landscape features of the "Queen of Manistee."
The on-going work of the Society is to bring this "grand old lady" back to her "good as original" condition and to maintain it; to preserve all of her historic character for the enjoyment and education of anyone desiring to mine the riches of the Northwest.
The James Dempsey Victorian House Museum presents an opportunity to know the human drama of the families, ethnicities and backgrounds of those first drawn to the beautiful Northwest and the region's important contribution to this nation's culture. Through the work of the Society, the story of Manistee's unique and colorful history shines brightly into the present day. That history includes revealing the evolving character of the Mansion and recounting the influential events of the lives lived out here.
If you would like to assist in this worthy cause, please contribute. All donations are applied exclusively to the continuing preservation of one of Michigan's remaining magnificent and important Lumber Baron homes.
Please make your checks to:
"The Dempsey Manor Preservation Fund,"
and mail them to:
The Dempsey Manor Preservation Fund
c/o West Shore Bank
306 Cypress Street
PO Box 623
Manistee, MI 49660-0623
Historic Architecture is a vital part of "Pure Michigan."
Visitors, both now to come,
will be able to discover and experience this amazing heritage,
because of your gift.